To over think, such burden impedes us to go with rest some days. People who lie down on their beds staring a infinite black. Thinking, over thinking. Why do some people over think? Why do some people lack the mental capacity to regulate their thoughts to the point where the mind recognizes the unhealthy for the body. Why do I lack that? Such an effect on the mind gives me great pleasure at times when I'm at my most masochistic, yet great grief when I am not. The over thinking processes for me is brought about by signs of mistrust, anger hostility, and the lack of evidence to disprove it [but yet, approve]. I start to wonder why people would be like this? Why people would behave in such a manner. What goes through their minds, if they over think too. But such thoughts are locked up or discarded because lack of interaction with the people in question, better not bother myself with things that do not concern me. There is much I have to learn from people, yet I have not the courage nor adequate social skills to talk to them. In fact I somewhat fear my fellow man. And I am quite aware that they are unintersted in me. However, by the means of this powerful medium, the anonmitiy of each other, each interaction. No names, no faces, just information. I want to comperhend my behavior, the beahior of others. How the human mind works and why it works. So, I ask humbly of others to lend me their knoladge, their experiances, their thoughts. There is no mundane here, every action is valid, everything is taken into consideration.
But yet another thing has come to mind, The vastness of such a medium is great and I fear for message is not going out, so I take into mind that I will be often unresponded to, and somewhere in my conscience, am relived at the thought and discouraged.
Then comes the thoughts of a
process, writing my message on a paper airplane into a world of paper airplanes. The selective nature of the net, such as only the most haphazard chance that my message will get out. Even then the chances of people responding are less.
Do it nigga.
But yet another thing has come to mind, The vastness of such a medium is great and I fear for message is not going out, so I take into mind that I will be often unresponded to, and somewhere in my conscience, am relived at the thought and discouraged.
Then comes the thoughts of a
process, writing my message on a paper airplane into a world of paper airplanes. The selective nature of the net, such as only the most haphazard chance that my message will get out. Even then the chances of people responding are less.
Do it nigga.